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So here we are another is over and i’m left wondering just were in the hell the past year has gone! It just seems to go quicker and quicker each year. Wow.

I was lucky enough this weekend to see both my little niece and my little god daughter for some well over due snuggles and secret swapping.

I love nothing more than when you capture their attention and all the focus is on you and they giggle, dribble and baby talk a whole conversation with you. Its just the sweetest thing.

My little god daughter Poppy Pearl must think i am the craziest woman alive! We whisper secrets to each other and we have a “thing” where i bang on and on about all the animals we are going to see at the zoo on our first big day out & she just babbles on and on and on with replies. I swear she is just as excited as i am. It makes my heart just swell with love!

I got a promotion at work. I am now the “Boss Lady” of my particular area which is awesome but I knew it was coming so wasn’t too much of a surprise. I unfortunately have no permeant staff at the moment so in saying that I’m the “Boss Lady” of myself. Ha ha ha. Im hoping to fill the 2 vacancies i have as soon as possible but for the time being I’m happy with my support staff. They really are a bunch of fabulous girls.

I have had a real craving for chocolate this week and have dove head first into many a bag of Haigh’s chocolate frogs. God these are just amazing. I go through stages where i eat them constantly then i forget about them.

When i rekindle the affair i cant remember for the life of me why i stopped eating them. I’m pretty sure i have one lonely frog stashed in my bag. Im going to hunt him down and eat him. First his head, then is feet then the rest. There is a formula to eating them didn’t you know.

And to finish off this post – A baby Loris